Frustrating BOT issue

I am wondering if the order of BOTs makes a difference (even though you can't reorder them).  Here is the situation:

I build child records based on conditions.  I am adding child records for facilities based on what facilities the user selected.  The screenshot below shows the Add ### Margin Records in order.  Then I was asked to add a couple more facilities - looking at the bottom they are 115 and 140.  Those 2 BOTs NEVER work!  I have copied and changed data, I have deleted and re-created from scratch. I have had a couple other pairs of eyes look and all the BOTs are exactly the same other than the facility number.  

Could it be the order of the BOTs?  I cannot move them/rearrange them (which I would love to be able to do), we just can't figure out why the last 2 don't work.  Any help, as always, is greatly appreciated.  Frustration level is high and we have a Go Live date of this coming Monday.  




0 2 98

Why aren't you using a more dynamic approach?

Why do you ask such an open-ended question?  If you have a suggestion, I would appreciate it. But, we are learning as we go and I am not sure what you mean.  I have been working with Appsheet Support and we have found an resolution, but I still believe that the BOTs are handled in the order they are listed and there needs to be a way to rearrange them so they process in the proper order.

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