Function - adding a new row to another table

New Member

Hi. I have one problem. I have two tables. First is a form, where I make new data and second table is database, where I send these new datas. The problรฉm is, that I used a function -adding a new row to another table. Everything is going correctly, but It send a new dataโ€™s row from form to second database table in duplicite. Instead of one new row, it makes the same two rows.
Could you give Me an advice, where is the problรฉm please?

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I think you have a misunderstanding here. A Form is not a Table. A Form is a type of view, specifically for adding or editing data from a single record, on a Table. When you add a new record with a Form view, the record goes the that Table.

By using the โ€œAdd a new rowโ€ Action, youโ€™re telling the system to also add that record to another Table.

It seems like youโ€™re not wanting the record to be saved to the first Table? So why donโ€™t you just use a Form view for the second Table?

Sorry, I will try to explain once again. The first table: it is a list of items which I can borrow. The second table: its some database, where all borrowed items are saved. So I choose item from a table one, and I want to save data about this lending to another (second) table. Everything is going correctly as I want. But the only problem is that it saved to this database in duplicate. I would like to save it in one new row with all datas, but it makes a duplicite and makes two same rows.
Is it clearly explained?

Thanks for advice.

No, not clear. Please show the โ€œduplicatesโ€ with screenshots.

How is the Action triggered? Is it being triggered twice?

Yes, it is being triggered twice. But I have just one action for add a new row.

Why/how is it being triggered twice then?

Is it a manual button press, a Form Save Action, a Bot, something else?

Can you show how your Event is set up, including any condition expression?

Have you checked the Automation Monitor or Audit Log for any clues about it triggering multiple times?

I made a change. But nothing change

Do you mean you tested it by adding a new record and still got duplicates?


My best guess at this point then is that the Action is being fired a second time somewhere else, like on Form Save, or another Bot.


Thatโ€™s a โ€œRow Selectโ€, from a Table or Deck view. โ€œForm Saveโ€ is found onโ€ฆForm views.

Thank you for advice.

The appsheet is going correctly now. I tried automatical monitor. There were two similar apps which where working parallel. although I donโ€™t know how itโ€™s possible. So 1 AppSheet document I deleted, and in the second one, there were two function for adding a rows. One in โ€œbotโ€ and one in โ€œWorkflowโ€.

Thank you very much

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