Gallery View Captions can they be different than the label column?

Can the gallery view captions be different from the label column ?

When we create a gallery view it automatically brings the column marked as the label, as captions texts of the images. If we change the column marked as the label which is a key, to the one that we like to display as captions, then all dropdowns related to the key in other views change.


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@yastaaa wrote:

Can the gallery view captions be different from the label column ?


You can create a new virtual as label column with expression like this

IFS (CONTEXT("VIEWTYPE")="Gallery", "YourDesiredLabel", CONTEXT("VIEWTYPE")<>"Gallery", "YourDesiredOtherLabel")


In general using CONTEXT()  is a good idea, but unfortunately expressions in VCs do not respect CONTEXT() functions.

By bad then. Never tested it before.

I am a newbie and this is one of the issues that confused me more, the Label. 

My suggestion to the developers of the app is to create a special line in the column definition panel of image columns, so you can choose the caption column.



Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@Suvrutt_Gurjar wrote:

unfortunately expressions in VCs do not respect CONTEXT() functions.

Actually, they do--sort of They will reflect the context in effect at the time the last sync was performed.

Hi @Steve ,

Thank you for your guidance. In this particular case, I was in fact about to suggest the same solution as @Rifad .

However while testing I realized that the expression with a CONTEXT() function is not working with a VC, even after sync after remaining on the same view.

Then I came across the following snippet in the help article on CONTEXT(). Will appreciate your further guidance.

CONTEXT() - AppSheet Help



Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@Suvrutt_Gurjar wrote:

Will appreciate your further guidance.

I'm afraid I have no more guidance to offer here. I am aware of no way to change a row's label per view.

Thank you @Steve . Actually more than row label, the request is about your mention that "VCs will reflect the context in effect at the time the last sync was performed."

I could not replicate that behavior with an expression like

IFS (CONTEXT("VIEWTYPE")="Gallery", [Text Column1 ], [Text Column 2])

The expression always seems to select [Text Column 2] irrespective sync being when on  "Gallery View".  Just wanted to know if you have any input to achieve that.

I'm afraid I do not.

Okay , thank you @Steve 

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