General question: How you deal with clients that are late to pay and their access to your apps?

What do you do when one of your clients haven’t pay you?

This should be a simple answer but I think that there are so many options.
I want a good an reliable way to tell my users that they haven’t payed for the service so they need to pay me to access to my app’s features.
Security filters?
Read_Only tables?
Onboarding view as a reminder?
Deleting them from the users list right away?

I have a users table and a YN column to tell my app if the user should have access or not, but that’s just the flag

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So for me the most professional way is to get them setup on Direct Debit. This might be called something else where you are - Direct debit - Wikipedia For me the benefits of this are:

A - I can change the monthly amount deducted as well as the invoice I send them. If their license useage changes up or down
B - The direct debit company emails you immediately if they cancel the direct debit. So you can address the issue rather than them avoiding you for 6-8 weeks

If your clients staff use the app then if you want, make the app change in someway to show the users the licences aren’t being paid for. Employees get concerned and start looking for other jobs if they think their employer can no longer pay all its bills

But if all else fails, you might have to actually turn off the licenses. Since everything else you mentioned doesn’t stop you incurring licence fees.

I get it. It sounds great but it’s a little bit different here in Chile, we are a couple of steps behind.
Now, I don’t have problems about the fact that they will pay me to be using the App but I’m worried that there may be delays and I want to avoid them.
I could for example cut access to the info or just not allow them to change any data (Basically making all tables Read_only using expression) if they are late. Also just show a message to the one incharge of the payment so that other people wouln’t know any details about what’s happening.
That’s I’m more interested about. Have anyone encoutered a moment when they need to cut access on a friendly way that will be less brute force as deleting the user from the users list is?

First, I would always recommend to reach out the client/customer to try to resolve diplomatically first. It could be a situation they are not aware of or out of their control in some way. You wouldn’t want to just cut them off entirely with no notice.

Once it gets to a point that diplomacy hasn’t resolved it then I would suggest implementing something in the app that funnels all users to a specific view where they are presented with a message that app access is not available. To do this I would introduce a Yes/No column such that every pertinent table and view accesses it. If it is FALSE, then tables become read-only. All app views are hidden. Only your message view is shown.

Once the switch is flipped to “deactivate” the app, users may still have access to views they were already looking at but they should not be able to change any data. As they attempt to navigate the app, they will eventually only be able to get to the “message” view recommending they contact their administrator for help.

Next step would be actively removing user access.

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