Generated qrcode with a URL Link is reduced 'without explanation' (also: prefill google form)

Hi, I'm facing a strange behavior while creating a Qrcode to an app view.



The link on the QR Code is reduced, showing the default app start link but not the one I linked with my formula...

Anyone with an idea of why it's happening ?

This is the formula i'm using to generate the qr code : 


Have a nice day.



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I got it working using instead of Google Form. note that you have to encode your url structure using ENCODEURL()

I GAVE UP with google form. I searched for a fix for 7 hours straight and no ones seems to have found a fix. So I will use jotforms and link it to my sheets db for now. 

I can't even say if the issue is from appsheet or not now. The sad thing is that, using a third extension tool to create and make forms, because you can't from the native app is counter productive. Some Google products integrations to appsheet should just make sense like --appsheet based google form (editable only from appsheet, but can be shared externally). Why would we have to go to such measures just because the one you're interrogating is not an user ?


View solution in original post


edit : it may be because my url is too long... 

Any workarounds ? 😞 

What is the value in [approvallink]?

I used the method described in this post :



Hey ! I'm updating this because I'm still facing the issue for another use case. 

Here is an exemple of formula i'm using to generate the QR Code : 

          Plan de contrôle[CODE CHANTIER],
          CONTAINS([Related PDC_Zones], ANY(SELECT(PDC_Zones[ZoneID], [ZoneID] = [_THISROW].[Zoneliée])))

Everything works fine. I mean, the QR Code is generated as intended, when I preview my data, the link is as it should be. BUT the QR Code itself then somewhat reduced and it just return to my default values.

If anyone have any guess on how to fix it, it would be amazing !

I think it's because the link is too long and reduced by the appsheet system, but not sure.

After checking, my link are changing into : 


Tried increasing the qr code size from 150x150 to 500, did not work

Update : tried with another api, did not work so i guess it's an appsheet issue 😷

Tried to encode the form url, no success

I got it working using instead of Google Form. note that you have to encode your url structure using ENCODEURL()

I GAVE UP with google form. I searched for a fix for 7 hours straight and no ones seems to have found a fix. So I will use jotforms and link it to my sheets db for now. 

I can't even say if the issue is from appsheet or not now. The sad thing is that, using a third extension tool to create and make forms, because you can't from the native app is counter productive. Some Google products integrations to appsheet should just make sense like --appsheet based google form (editable only from appsheet, but can be shared externally). Why would we have to go to such measures just because the one you're interrogating is not an user ?


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