Get user input as next dropdown choice

Hi everybody. I'm getting mad to solve this out: 

I'm trying to set last user input in a dropdown selection between two choices. Let's say, after having answered the question "Where you want go?" with "Here" and "There", I need to make the user able to select in dropdwon interfaces if the route goes from "Here" to "There" or, viceversa, from "There" to "Here".

The great hitch I'm wondering how to resolve is that both "Here" and "There" are actually places (addresses) which have been just inserted manually by the user: is there any way to let Appsheet retrieve those data from the same Sheet source to which it has been just added?

Thanks a million for any answer

0 10 262

Hi Marc, thank you very much for your suggestion.

I studied that article and found it very interesting, tough I'm afraid it doesn't help that much: the point is that I collect data from user inputs in two different columns ("Here" and "There", as I mentioned in the starting post) and I'm getting some difficulties to arrange the SORT formula to show more columns in the data retrieving. In other words, I'd need to show in the dropdown the last entries of two columns filled by the user.

Indeed, I'm also trying to figure out a way to limit the SORT to the very last record of both columns, in a similar way of a "Get last row" criteria.

Thanks in advance for any help

I can't understand what you're describing. Maybe some screenshots would help?

Making hard things simplier, I'd just need to set a dropdown with the last values of two different columns from the datasource... ๐Ÿ˜…

Using the SORT formula I've been able to retrieve just one column (with the SORT(table[column]) syntax), and all the records within while I'd need just the most recent - i.e. the one just inserted by the user...

Hope I've been more clear; I'm not posting any screen because I'm almost sure those difficulties won't show up enough on screenshots

Hi Marc,

I should express my gratitude for your interest, but still I'd need to find a way to accomplish those necessities:

  1. Steve's 
    formula from the link you shared to me seems to be what I'm actually looking for, tough the result isn't compatible with Address type since it's not an expected  yes/no or list type;
  2. Therefore, I'm still not able to limit the dropdown list to just the very last entries from user input (retrieved from Google Sheets Datasource); 
  3. Finally, I'm struggling in search of the right syntax for any formula that should recall more than a single column from which retrieving data.

Again, any help would have my eternal gratitude ๐Ÿ˜‰

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@Rupert wrote:

the result isn't compatible with Address type since it's not an expected  yes/no or list type;

This suggests you've put the expression in the wrong place.

@Rupert wrote:

I'm not posting any screen because I'm almost sure those difficulties won't show up enough on screenshots

Until you post screenshots showing us what you're actually doing, there's really no point continuing this discussion. Your descriptions so far have been entirely insufficient.

Hi Steve, thanks for your joining;

I'll try to express myself even with screenshot:


At the very first view of the app users (which are limited persons with no-profit car deliver tasks to accomplish) clicks on codes/names to retrieve informations from a Google Sheets database - i.e. the AppSheet DataSource. In these informations are even those addressess that would be better to fill automatically later on...


... users then set day and time of the route ("Giorno e Orario di partenza") in the final view, and here is where the addresses should appear from the previous view: starting address ("Indirizzo di partenza") and ending address ("Indirizzo di arrivo") are already inside the DataSource from which values the first view got filled.

I was looking for an Action to send those Addresses to the last view, but found any. Then I tried with formulas with no results, and finally I asked help in this thread...



Perhaps it's obvious in your language, but I have no idea how the columns/values in the 1st screenshot relate to those 2 fields mentioned in the 2nd screenshot.

And now it sounds like you want the values auto-filled, whereas before I was thinking you wanted to create the list of dropdown options. Which is it? If the former, you should make use of Initial Value.


So I gather that the user clicks one of the records from your 1st screenshot? What happens when they do that? They go directly to the form in the 2nd screenshot, or something else? If the former, does the 1st screenshot contain the values that you wish to autofill in the 2nd screenshot? If so, just use LINKTOFORM()

Hi Marc, I've been waiting to answer you because I was reordering ideas myself: the correlation between the two views is not obvious even in my language, and that's way I firstly pointed out that screenshots wouldn't have helped with explanations: 

I firstly said that I'd need to create a dropdown list - the second field of the second screenshot indeed, which has to have dynamic options in relation to the selection made by the user clicking records in the first screenshot. 

In simple words, clicking records from the first screenshot just send informations related to these records (which are names and surnames, precedeed by an arbitrary code which helps voiding mistakes for the users) from the DataSource to another Google Sheet.

Those informations contain even the person related address, and the address of the destination to be reached, which are the field that should populate the dropdown list in the second screenshot: now, my difficulty is to extract these records from Google Sheets in order to make them part of a dropdown list, without gathering all the column records but those two (person address and destination address) required to plan the specific route.

To summarize:

  1. User selects a record (a person's name and surname) in First View:
  2. That person's address and the address of its destination are sent to Google Sheets
  3. User fills the form to schedule a route, indicating the starting address ("Indirizzo di partenza") and the destination address ("Indirizzo di arrivo").

My aim is to let users find these informations, which are already stored in the DataSource, as dropdown choices (just those two, which are exactly the last two records in the Google Sheet) filtering them by selecting name and surname in the First View / first screenshot.

Hope I've been clearer this time



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