Getting the ID of the report after generating it

We're creating a document in google drive using AppSheet. How can we update the sheet with the id of the created document? We would need it to be posted back to the caller of the API so it can directly link to it.

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We have no way to obtain, through AppSheet, the Google DocID to save or share out.  AppSheet only uses DocID's for specifying templates.

Does the external API you are posting to not support doc URL's?

An alternative might be to use Google App Scripts to grab the DocID and save it to the sheet.  Then create some Automation to be able to recognize when that DocID has been populated and post to the external API service.

It's not obtaining a document. It's getting the id of the pdf that AppSheet is uploading to Google Drive. That id you must have available. I know I do as I save files in drive from my APIs.

Just for clarification. I am using AppSheet external API to update a cell in a sheet. That then triggers the generation of a pdf-file that is uploaded to Google Drive. All in AppSheet.

What I am after is the id of the pdf-file that is uploaded which is provided back by the google drive api as you upload it. That id is unique and is used by google to link directly to a file.

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