Go to a record when i scan a QR Code

Bronze 3
Bronze 3


I am creating a room booking application 

I am having a table space 

I am having a Barcode column - Image 

So Each Space will have a Barcode ,

I need to create barcode to automatically when new space is added 

My requirement is when ever I scan the QR Code it should take me to that record in detail view 

Is that Possible ?


1 20 969

Here is what you can try..

1) Create a table (lets call it Search_Space) with two columns -

  *userID (use a security filter to limit one row per user)

  *Space ID - Should be a ref col to the key of the Space table and set it scannable

2) Create an action against Search_Space

  *Type - App: Go to another view within this app

  *Target - LINKTOROW([Space ID], "Space_Detail")

3) Set this action to the Save Event of the Search_Space_Form

4) Turn on Auto Save of the Search_Space_Form

See if it works for you.

@TeeSee1 Thanks for the suggestion ,is there any way i can go to the record without opening the application 

For Eg:

I am opening native camera and automatically i should get the link to go to that view 


Is that possible ?

each view has an associated URL like this


If you can build an app with your camera to jump to this URL it is possible I suppose but it will be out of AppSheet's scope.



You can create a QR code that encodes the above URL for each room you create, then it would be more or less like a standard functionality of your smartphone camera, I suppose.

On the same route told by @TeeSee1, you need a column of type Image with this formula:

  "https://www.appsheet.com/start/8x8x8x8x-8888-8x8x-8x8x-8x8x8x8x8x8x", # put your app link here
    [_THISROW],# this references the Key column of the current row
    "YourDetailView" # the view you want to go

@SkrOYC when I try the above formula and got a QR Code but i am not going to current record its just opening the application

I getting the below link when I scan the QR Code



Please suggest !

Wrap the second part on ENCODEURL()




@TeeSee1 I followed your suggestion for a similar use case, but it didn't work. The form didn't redirect to the detail view but to an empty page creating a new row on the database. 
I'd like not to create a new record but to open the view of a specific ID. Here is a video what I'd like to accomplish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUlG3NCEsY0

Can you help?

LINKTOROW does open up an existing row with the specified id.

I do not know why it does not work for you.

@TeeSee1 it opens the detail view page (an existing row with the specified id), but the form tries to save a record I'd not want to save. Please watch the following video:


I just would like to open a specific item view scanning an NFC tag containing its ID


I cannot open the link.

However if you just want to display a detail view, not a form, the use LINKTTOFILTEREDVEIW instead of LINKTOROW

Something like

LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("target_Detail", [id] = [_THISROW].[code read by NFC]

@TeeSee1 wrote:

However if you just want to display a detail view, not a form, the use LINKTTOFILTEREDVEIW instead of LINKTOROW


I mean, I use LINKTOROW() for Detail views (and I guess form views for edits should work as well), LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() for List views (Gallery, Deck, Table, etc) and LINKTOFORM() to for an add form.

App column type (deep link) - AppSheet Help


You are CORRECT!

LINKTOROW works just as well.

@SkrOYC Where should I use the LINKTOROW() deeplink? Where should I put the formula?

It all depends @Losalo because you are talking about using all of this outside AppSheet, in a NFC tag:

@Losalo wrote:

scanning an NFC tag without the need of opening the app

Exactly @SkrOYC So which URL as deeplink I've to set on my NFC tag?

For example. If I put the URL of a view like: https://www.appsheet.com/start/cb3759db-5cbf-4106-9815-b4dda1858202#view=Items"

When tagging the NFC, the phone automatically opens the AppSheet and redirects the user to the first item on the item list.

What I'd like to do is to be able to set a different URL for any TAG in order to redirect the user to a specific detail page instead of the first one on the list.

FYI @TeeSee1 

I am not sure if there is any detailed documentation except here (), but I usually display the page you want and look at the address bar to find out exactly what url is required. It seems row id is specified by the parameter "row" and most likely the default url contains parameters that you may not need. So play around to find out exactly what you need.

I am facing the same problem. 

I am trying to create a QR code with a link to a specific record. I am using the following formula:


When I test the formula it gives me the correct request like this one: 


If I input it into the browser - it generates the right QR which lead me right to the specific record in my app. BUT it doesn't work properly in my Image field App formula.  My data to encode seem to be trimmed exactly at "#" sign disregarding to the fact that it is url_encoded.

So every time I get the QR with a link to the app not to specific record since info about it is located right after "#" sign.


I previously encountered same encoding issues.

A workaround is to shorten you links and avoid any encode. See this tip 

my walkaround is to double encode the "#" and "?" like in the link below:


so I encoded "#" - it gave me "%23"

and I encoded "%23" again - it gave me "%2523"

Let me know if there is a simpler way to fix the issue

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