Google Data Studio does not show records (possibly due to security filters)


I want to use Google Data Studio to visualise our data from Appsheet. This works fine for apps without security filters but with security filters, I can't see the data. Even though the user I am using is a manager and can access all the data within Appsheet.

Is there something I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance!

Kind regards

0 8 746

How are you getting data into Data Studio?  If you are using automation, there is a setting on each Bot to "bypass security filters".  Try turning the switch on and see if all of the data flows in then.

No automation being used. Just using the connectors of Appsheet within Data Studio.

Just a quick update, once I turn off the security filter I can access the data. So I am guessing Google Data Studio does not work well with Security Filters. Any solution for this? Really need this to work. Thanks!

No one who has had this issue yet with Data Studio? The Security Filter I am using is OR(IN(USEREMAIL(), Managers[Email]), USEREMAIL() = [Email]). Thanks!

The usage of Data Studio with AppSheet is fairly recent so there may not yet be a lot of people utilizing this integration.  You might just be blazing the trail for the rest of us to follow!

I would reach out to both Data Studio support and AppSheet support to report the problem, if you have not already.

As I understand your issue, when a Security Filter is in place, Data Studio receives no data at all from AppSheet.  Without Security Filter its fine. 

As workarounds, I can think of a couple things to try:

  • If possible, have Data Studio read directly from the datasource and then apply the same filter used in the Security Filter.
  • Don't use the Security Filter in AppSheet.  Instead create a Slice to filter the data.  This does mean that all data from the datasource is brought down onto the device and increases the security risk slightly.  For most cases you can overcome that risk by making sure the Slice is used everywhere and original table is NOT used at all.


Posting this there in case anyone else lands on this question. To create a Data Studio report/data source, you need to at least have Editor permission to the app.  Note that USEREMAIL() is for the person who setup the report/data source, NOT the viewer.

Data studio supports a way to set viewer credentials. However, this does NOT work with AppSheet connector.


A workaround I can suggest is to use Filter by email feature in the data source. 




Hi Caroline,

We have an option to do that

in datasource, in fields list, you have a button on the top "Filter by email address"

after you can select the field that manage this email address.

It's ok for me


Dominique Delaire






see screenshot ๐Ÿ™‚





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