Google Drive images. Would like input on if this an ok way to do it

I have a Google apps script that reads a folder with images once a day, and makes a complete list of all it’s inventory in a Google sheet, with links and all. (No need for write functionality in app.)

I have two extra columns that has a formula converting the link to the following below, and it’s working well on my tests.

Is this a sound way to go about it? Are there any pitfalls you can think of?

The images are reloading each time i open the app, which I’m a bit concerned about. Though the thumnail version of the images are lightning fast, which is nice.

Some of the background for doing it this way, is that I want everything for now to be accessed through the Google Drive app as well, so we have a “backup solution” if the app stops working.{{1920}}-h{{1080}}{{1920}}-h{{1080}}

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I would suggest that instead of using a spreadsheet formula to generate the other columns, just write those other links with your script as well. That way the value in the cell is a static value.

You may also experiment with some of these options to try and improve the experience in the app.

Yeah good point.

Lets code some more!

I’m a bit weary on storing images offline, as I regularly update some of the images to a new version in Google Drive. (while keeping the adress the same). Not sure if appsheet will detect it…

It will not. You’ll need to change the name with each update.

Thank you so much for the clarification. I really appreciate your knowledge.

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