Google Sheet Formula

I am not very good with Excel / Google Sheet formulas, so I'm looking for a bit of help please.

=SUMIF('Holiday Request'!$F$2:$F$2000,C2,'Holiday Request'!$K$2:$K$2000)

I am using this formula currently to link a Holiday Request form and a Holiday Tracker which works out a user's remaining days of holiday. In the 'Holiday Request' sheet the 'F' represents the users name and then the 'C' column is the users name within the 'Holiday Tracker' sheet.

It then finds the data and within the 'Holiday Request' column 'K' it finds the amount of days that have been requested which in turn links the name and amount of days. 

The 'Holiday Tracker' sheet has a formula in a seperate column to work out remaining days 'Total Entitlement' - the formula above. 

This formula works fine, HOWEVER it takes off the requested days before the 'Manager's Approval' = Yes. The Manager does this at a later date and will edit the same record. 

So, eventually, my question is, How do I add 'Managers Approval' = Yes into the formula so that the remaining days only deducts once this edit has been made?

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