Google Sheet


Please help!

I have a google sheet and I have copied this formula into every cell of a column.

=IFERROR(IFS(B2<>"Clock In","",VLOOKUP(C2,{C3:C,B3:B},2,0)="Clock Out",VLOOKUP(C2,{C3:C,A3:A},2,0)))

How would I construct it so it only appears in the header column and affects all new rows as they are created without me inserting it manually into the cell each time a new row is created?


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You can either use

  • ARRAYFORMULA, but its a pig to work with in some circumstances
  • Create a Google Script to do the same
  • Do it in Appsheet.  I have done loads of timesheet and never had to revert to google sheets formulas

I suggest you do it whithin appsheet using a virtual column.

Using Google Sheets formula with appsheet is very, very performance limiting.

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