Google Sheets with ImportXML and ImportHTML data for App

Hello all, 

I would like to create an app for training courses and am considering using the "Onboarding & Training" Template.  To add courses and then depending on what roles users sign up with they will receive a core package of units when they sign up.

I will be using the 

Staff, My team but just rename them, I.e instructors and users that the instructors can bring into the course etc as well as through my own promoting efforts. I would like to slightly customise the existing template 

I would also like to add one part of my app to have a feature that allows the user to input and retrieve data from sources on the internet that are sitting in the cells if some of the google

Can i use google sheets with formulas in them such as IMPORTXML and IMPORTHTML data and build an Appsheet App for users to search and use the data via the app? This data they search for is part of their training to enable them to answer the questions in the course units. 

Any advise guidance would be helpful on the use of live data even if it is pulling it into the sheets from Google Finance and other Sources?


Many thanks

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Hey man,

best would be to use the AppSheet REST API GET Method for that.


Thank you Danny

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