Group By option is setting initial value

Hello everyone,

I didn't find any post on this subject, so I decided to post it, maybe someone has already had the same issue.
I have a column with an initial value I want to be set on creation and a view with a group by on the same column.

When the user creates a new entry, the field supposed to be filled with the chosen initial value will be filled with the value of the group in which the user was when he pressed the add button.

Is there any way to put my initial value regardless of the user location? 


Edit : There are 2 settings on the group by option, first my column, second the row number.

Solved Solved
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  1. This is expected and wanted for most of us, you may want to think about your UX differently in order to prevent it from happening for you.
  2. Why would you group by _RowNumber?

View solution in original post

I used a virtual column in which I copy the status and I made my Group By on this column, it solved my problem.

Thanks a lot for your help!

View solution in original post


  1. This is expected and wanted for most of us, you may want to think about your UX differently in order to prevent it from happening for you.
  2. Why would you group by _RowNumber?


Thanks for your answer, I didn't think it was expected, that's not logical for me but I will find a way to prevent that.
We have a lot of entries, all entries move from a status to an other (The Group By column) mostly automatically and I use aggregate to see the numbers of entries for all status.
It gives to the user the possibility to check their production quickly and to immediately check entries wich are blocked in a particular status, plus I found it more cleaner.

Thank you

That may mean that Group By is not the right choice for you for the time being, maybe we will get more control over the way it works in the future.

You could use dashboard view where each view is attached to a slice with different status

I used a virtual column in which I copy the status and I made my Group By on this column, it solved my problem.

Thanks a lot for your help!

Great, nice workaround ๐Ÿ˜‰
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