Group Start Expression

Hello All,

Sorry if this has been asked before.

I have an app for projects scope of work. The tables are Items for the different items with a [Category] column. For example, Electrical, Plumbing, etc are the different categories.

Then I have a Scope of Work table that is for the different customer projects.

And finally I have a Scope of Work Detail table where I select the different Items from the Items table for each project.

I have been able to create a PDF report for each project scope of work, but I am trying to create a PDF where each category is grouped. I was able to find a start expression that did this but it printed all of the items in the Items table for every project scope of work.

This is the outer start expression

<<Start: ORDERBY(FILTER("Scope of Work Detail", ([_ROWNUMBER] = MIN(SELECT(Scope of Work Detail[_ROWNUMBER], ([_THISROW-1].[Category] = [Category]))))), [Category])>>

This is the inner expression inside the table

<<Start: FILTER("Scope of Work Detail", ([_THISROW-1].[Category] = [Category]))>><<[Delivery]>>

I cannot figure out how to specify the unique project - the Bot is set to the Scope of Work table

I attached a screen shot of what I am looking for - in this you can see 2 dumpster items that are from different Scope of Work rows.

Screenshot 2023-01-02 104659.png

Thanks, Ray

0 13 225

Hi, please check a sample app from App name is "Template Grouping". The formula the app is using..





Thank you I will check it out.


You're welcome 

I read through - I don't think it applies to my situation.  I am trying to group the report by Scope of Work Detail [Category] for the current Scope of Work [Project].

I can run a report from the Scope of Work table and in a table use

<<Start: Orderby([Related Scope of Work Details],[Category],FALSE,[ItemID])>><<[Category]>>

And get the report I want for each Scope of Work [Project] but I can't get the grouping I am looking for.

I get this output

Screenshot 2023-01-02 2.45.03 PM.png

Which is acceptable but I prefer this output

Screenshot 2023-01-02 104659.png

I am a newb to this so any help is appreciated

With this template, it should give you the correct behavior..




Hi, I get the formatting correctly with this reply, but cannot separate out different scopes of work. 

I created the VC in the Scope of Work Detail table

Every project is listed in the same report.  IE - a dumpster is supplied to different projects but every uniqueid of a dumpster is in every report.

Scope of Work Table has different [ScopeID] projects.

Scope of Work Detail has the [Category] and [Items] for each project from a separate Items table

I think I need some kind of AND expression to filter only the current project I am creating report from.

What I am trying to produce is the Scope of Work Detail - inline view that is grouped by category like the images show. These are 2 different projects, but when I run the PDF the projects are getting combined.


Screenshot 2023-01-03 081952.png

Screenshot 2023-01-03 082025.png

Yes, you can filter the SELECT() with the AND().

Can you show the expression?  Is it in the outer start or inner start?


It has to be with the outer.

Sorry I just can't figure out how to replicate the Inline view I can create by grouping the Categories for the Projects in the app.  Should be an easy thing to do.  Create a PDF to match the app view.


Please take a printscreens from your tables and their column structure that are related and I will create a public sample app how to do it.

Thank you!  I choose a project from the ProjectsforSOW table for the Scope of Work table.  Then I add items to the scope of work detail that references the project in the scope of work table.

Scope of Work DetailScope of Work DetailScope of Work (Projects)Scope of Work (Projects)Client TableClient TableItems for Scope of Work DetailItems for Scope of Work Detail

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