Group aggregate on price column doesn't show properly on iPhone?

I have a table view grouping on a column, Amount, that is a Price. 

In the emulator and in a browser, the aggregated prices for each group look great: 


But the same view on my iphone (in the app and also in a browser) has a weird line break instead of the dollar sign:


Is this a bug? I looked a bit for localize parameters on the phone and all that, but was kind of swinging blindly. 

Thanks again everyone for the help. 


Ps. (sorry, i took those screenshots from two different tabs, but the result is the same. Actually - it's the same whether it's a table view or a deck view.)

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What "weird line break" are you referring to?

The aggregate field has a strange gap on the top of it, and no Dollar sign. 

If you compare screenshot 1 to screenshot 2, you can see a clear difference in what is being displayed. The line break is referring to the "gap" and greater row height and blank gray space in the aggregate field/"tag thing" than there should be. 

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