[HELP] How to create image links in google spreadsheet

New Member

Hi. Im having a very hard time constructing a simple url to view images in my google sheets. I believe its because of my โ€œspacesโ€ in my table, folder & file nameโ€ฆ

appname = โ€œmy appโ€
table name = โ€œmy tableโ€
file name = โ€œmy table_images/A1234.Image 1.12.30 PM_Track_1234.jpgโ€

note: my table_images is an auto generated folder created by appsheet. pictures are inside with name: 1234.Image 1.12.30 PM_Track_1234.jpg -> โ€œthis has 2 spacesโ€

can someone help me generate the applink using the above example? I want to see when we do use %20, what to do with โ€œ/โ€

the following encoding example didnt work
=CONCATENATE(โ€œhttps://www.appsheet.com/template/gettablefileurl?appName=โ€, ENCODEURL(โ€œInventory-114348โ€), โ€œ&tableName=โ€, ENCODEURL(โ€œOrdersโ€), โ€œ&fileName=โ€, ENCODEURL(+B2))
from the following site

i tried copying this too, replacing space with %20 but it also didnt work.


Am i missing something?

Thank you very much for the help

0 8 3,925

Please scroll that article to the bottom where you can see a formula like =IMAGE(CONCATENATEโ€ฆ))

Hello, Iโ€™m new to Appsheets and I see this topic has been widely explained. Sorry for my ignorance but I canโ€™t understand how to make thids work. Could someone walk me through the steps? I have an image column but obviously the image file saved in my googlesheets is no use. I need a link in googlesheets so anyone can open the image saved. Thank you!!

Iโ€™ve done this before and I didnโ€™t use ENCODEURL, even though I see it is used on a page you referenced. Instead I used:

=SUBSTITUTE(CONCATENATE(โ€œhttps://www.appsheet.com/template/gettablefileurl?appName=",Kankaku!A$8,"&tableName=โ€, โ€œNotebookโ€,"&fileName=",I8), " ", โ€œ%20โ€)

When I just tested it in the sheet, I didnโ€™t have any spaces in my URL so the following also worked:

CONCATENATE(โ€œhttps://www.appsheet.com/template/gettablefileurl?appName=",Kankaku!A$8,"&tableName=โ€, โ€œNotebookโ€,"&fileName=",I8)

In this โ€œKankaku!A$8โ€ is a cell that holds the name of the app and โ€œI8โ€ has the name of the image.

And, as @Aleksi has pointed out you need to put the URL in something like


(Q8 is the cell with the URL) in order to get it to show in your sheet.

Hi, could you show me what the full url would look like?

Actually, I donโ€™t use this in my app any more and I canโ€™t get the old Google spreadsheets I still have to display things properly. Iโ€™m not sure is something has changed or not. Perhaps @Grant_Stead can help:

Hello @Chriss, I have solved the link generation very recently using google scripts, you can check out this post if youโ€™re interested in trying that out:

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Any solution yet?

Not possible.

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