HERE() function not showing any result

Hi. I'm trying to use the function HERE() via automation. What my current automation does is it checks for <Table A> for any changes then adds a new row to <Table B>. What I thought was simple enough wasa to just add another column to <Table B> with the type "LatLong" and just add to the automation 



as HERE()

but. It's not showing anything, not showing even the 0.00,0.00 that I found while searching for others having issues. I tried this with an android phone with location turned on, google chrome as well with location turned on. 

I also tried ChangeLocation type but still the same, not returning anything.


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When using ChangeLocation column, you don't need to add the initial value. It reads the location automatically.

View solution in original post


The Automation Bot is triggered on server side and it sounds that's the reason for this behavior.

I see. So my best bet is to make use of the ChangeLocation type... but weirdly enough it's not returning anything. 

I tried:

Virtual column with a changelocation type and a normal column from a google sheet. I  regenerated it, but was faced with an error with the initial value being set to NOW() 




I removed it, app returned to functioning state but still, not returning any values at all.


By any chance that you haven't allowed AppSheet to read your device's location?

I also made sure it's allowed and the location services are on. both chrome and ios where I tested it. although this is only through the web app not the installed app. do I need to install appsheet via the app? 

If you have HERE() with the initial value, it works only when you add a new record. If you do that and you have that formula in place, doest it work then with the AppSheet app in your mobile device?

Ah maybe that's it. The setup I have is it checks when it updates an existing record, not create a new one. The idea is I want to check where exactly that user is when they update the record

Let me check again but as I remembered having HERE() as the initial value for the changelocation type column throws an error back




Yea it's showing me this. When I place HERE() as the initial value.


Column Name 'Location' in Schema 'Leads_Schema' of Column Type 'ChangeLocation' has an invalid 'Initial Value' of '=HERE()'. The type of the Initial Value does not match the column type. Consider using '' instead.

When using ChangeLocation column, you don't need to add the initial value. It reads the location automatically.

Oh. Now it's working when I removed the HERE() as the initial value. This is weird as I removed it before but didn't get anything, but I'll take it. Thank you so much,

You're welcome!

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