HTML in the email body & footer of an embedded email (dynamic email)

Hello, all!

I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to use HTML in the email body of a dynamic email (embedded email), just as you can in an email template. 

My specific use-case is this:

I have an automation that sends a dynamic email with an embedded form view from the app. I want some warning text in bold and also want to colour some words in blue or grey (to let the user know they should wait for the form to validate and then press the "submit" button again, until the form is successfully saved and the button turns from blue to grey).
My workaround for now is to just use warnings in caps lock and use the footer to write the blue-grey story, because it's nearer the actual submit button of the form.

Would be great if I could use colours! Any help or ideas? Thank you!

P.S. I'm new to both AppSheet and html scripting; please excuse any potential errors in reasoning.

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I am not sure if i got your needs correctly, in the Email body you can use HTML as well.
for bold:


<b>your text goes here</b>


if you want to make it blue , use this: 


<span style="font-weight: bold; color: blue;">your text goes here</span>


To control font size as well: 

<span style="font-weight: bold; color: blue; font-size: 16px;">your text goes here</span>

Hi and many thanks for your reply!

I've already tried this solution (even putting the whole text in <html></html> blocks, even using a template from gDocs).
I also inspected the webpage elements to see what is going on and I'm not sure it is possible to have html inside the dynamic email body (unlike the template email option).

I'm pasting some screenshots for reference (after the inspection):




Unfortunately, if I were to use the given solution above, the text would just appear as plain text (e.g. "<b>text</b>")



I can see it now, When using Embedded View , you can't use HTML in the body as showing: 

Email Body

Text or variables allowed. Body content is shown even if app view can't be shown. Learn more

But when its a Custom Template then : 

Email Body

TextHTML, or variables allowed. Default body used when blank.

It looks in the Embedded view, u can use html in the body , which am not sure why 

An alternative solution you can create a column of type long text , with intitial value the note you want to display using html, 
Formatting use HTML
and place the column order where you want 

Check this: 
Rich Text Formatting - in Preview Program 

Note: i have tried this in detial view, but you can play around with it and try if it works

Hello again and thanks for your response.

I've tried the solution both by introducing a normal column or a virtual column -- unfortunately, the formatting options for "longtext" (or text) type are not available (I'm guessing not anymore or there's something I'm doing wrong).

That workaround would have been great... 

The option is under preview i think, you have to activate preview option in the editor, i think. 


UX / Options / preview new features 


Found the option under Settings -> Views -> General -> Preview New Features.

Activated it, followed all the steps above (new column, LongText, html etc.), unfortunately the text for that variable still comes out un-"htmlized" in the email body. 
You do get a note when defining the column type and choosing html, that the option is only available for detail view and form view, so this probably means that the email body of an embedded email simply does not allow html (again, probably not to conflict, it's just an intuition).

Tbh i never had a use of the embedded views email, but i will test it out.
If you would open the form within the app, would it show it formatted or "HTMLized"?

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