Having trouble with Google Templates Report

When I run a report without a template, I get a report emailed to me. (Not yet using a paid version)
However, when I create a report template (using the Create button at the end of the input box), I can see and view the template. But, clicking run does zilch, zero, nada.
So, referencing a template doesn’t produce an email.
Erase the reference to a template and the email sends.

Ultimately, I want to divide the report up into a table. But I am not even able to get that far yet. What data would you need to see to help?

Thanks in advance.

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I don’t necessarily want EVERY row displayed. I only want the rows displayed for each particular section (Automotive, Military, Sort, and Testing).

I tried my darnedest to get AppSheet to have a Table for each section. But I couldn’t figure out how to have a table for Automotive, Military, etc. and give an inspector logical branching. So, I created a Google Form for the logical branching. (What do you want to do today? Scrap? Sort? Test? Select Scrap. Now it asks "Where are you Scrap Reporting? Military? Automotive?) (Do you get the idea of my structure?) Doing it this way puts ALL of my data in one big spreadsheet, the “AllDataSets” that is being referenced in the expressions above.

The reason I say all of this is to hopefully: a) provide insight into the overall view of the app, and b) help to explain the report issues I am having, c) waste time at work, and d) seek help so I can ask the right questions.

With everyone’s help (THANK YOU ALL), I have been able to get only data from yesterday to be included in the report. (**Please note, I have changed the expression to read “*-2” So that my formula takes the data from 2 days ago in place of yesterday. I don’t want to mess with the actual data by forgetting which day I actually recorded it. I have more data from the 18th than the 19th.)

Here is the report template.

Here is the beginning of what the report emails me:

  1. I believe the blank rows are the rows that hold data for the OTHER SECTIONS (Military, Sort, Testing).
  2. For each line of the table you see above, my emailed report “repeats” it that many times. From my data sample, there were 14 transactions (Military, Automotive, Sorts, and Tests). So my email contains 14 repeats of the exact same chart. This is what I meant by

The last issue is that the records of this email report is ONLY the data I have entered. I am piloting the app with another inspector. His results show in the data set. But I can only view his results via Google Sheets, not in the email.

I hope I have been clear, yet concise. I believe these are better screenshots to see as well (minus the last one. No need for it to be large, it is meant to show the repetition.)

Thanks for the details–very helpful!

Putting everything into a single table was probably the right choice.

As you next step, in your template, I recommend removing the <<Start>> tag (and its matching <<End>> tag) that occurs under the report title before the first table begins. What happens then?

The report is not generated.

At all?!?

Correct. Nothing. Zilch. Zero. Nada.
And nothing in the Log either.

For squirts and giggles, If I add that expression back in before and after the table and remove the expression from inside the table.

Hi @Work_Goscinski Are you wanting the four separate table reports (Automotive, Military, Sort, and Testing) from yesterday all on one page?

At this point, no. (Ultimately, yes.) I am just working to get 1 (Automotive) working properly before I apply it to the rest of the template. Does that make sense?

I think where my issues lie with blank rows in my template is in the Starting Expression. As I have listed in a few places, it searches the entire data and returns values for the date-1. I have to find the right AND statement. I need it to search data AND return only that which I desire. Does that sound right?

Hi , you may need an ISNOTBLANK in there so that those rows are not included. You will have to decide which column would be suitable.eg ISNOTBLANK Machine ID . (Sorry I dont have square brackets on my phone)

That sounds like a great idea. I am looking at my data and seeing which column it would best apply to.

Apparently, the solution was to turn on Bypass Security Filters on the Report page. I get ALL reports no matter who the inspector is.

One problem solved.

Still working on solution for aforementioned stuff.

Thanks to all who’ve contributed.

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