Hello i am excited for creating an app directly from start i have no idea how to start


actually, I work for a company and have to enter lots of data in long scrolling excel sheet daily . have to filter out like finished work pending works then have to update with lots of different criteria.

So I wish to create an app to manage the sheet and to make the boring data entry to something exciting .will be happy if someone wish to help me out

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Community Manager

Is there a specific question you have? If you are just getting started, check out the education resources

I'm glad you are excited and interested in using AppSheet. I think it is a great tool for what you are describing. As AndrewB already pointed you to some education resources I have a few more. 

appsheettraining.com has several resources, both for free and for purchase. At the very least the free resources are something that can help you get started. They have bootcamps that start from a brand new user and can help take them to a proficient user of the platform. 

They also have a youtube channel with free content and webinars available to anyone in the AppSheet community. 

You can also sign up for a free tech talk on the bottom right of the training website and they can show you what can be done in AppSheet. 


Hope this helps, at the very least you have a few great free resources to help you. 



QREW Technologies



AppSheet Training Youtube Channel 


Just a few words "Relational Model for Database Management". Start there, it will save you a lot of time

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