Hello i have app but i'm beginner and need help and someone check my app and edit it

i have a app now but need some edit and i donโ€™t know when i make a order its doesnโ€™t minus from the total inventory can you check the app and find the solution and solve it ,if someone can help me and check it and solve the problems in the app because i will be thankful

0 17 163

Can you pls explain the exact requirement

hello the total inventory dosnt change when i make a order its should minus from the total inventory i dont know how to make it . i hope you can help me and add you as admin and solve this problems and take a look and see whats app need

I think you can just send a screenshot of the column names first

This product columns

This orders ccolumns

This order details columns

So are you asking what expression should be provided in formula for Total Inventory

yes exactly

And in order details columns
Quantity row I should use any equation here !

Sorry, I am not fully clear with your requirement. Do you want to reduce the Quantity from the Total Inventory?

may add you as admin in app and look it may its will be better and you will understand me more

Hi @Hassan_Tanna I am also a beginner in Appsheet. Just exploring the vast possibilities. You may add me if you wish and i shall try my best.

Also one more thing. Sharing admin rights of your app to someone is not secure i think. They can access the sheet data through the app.

great could you give me your email to add you

Sorry for the delay. I was trying to build a sample app to check your requirement but couldnโ€™t complete it. I found this article however. It is also similar kind though not exact

yes exactly

Hi Hassan,

I encourage you to start with reading this guide. This will put you on the right track.

thanks you

Hi @Hassan_Tanna I have completed the Sample App but couldnโ€™t publish it due to Account Restrictions. But the Total Inventory is updating correctly. I shall post screenshots below for your understanding

Order Table

Product Table

Formula for Virtual Column - Current Stock

Orders View

Inventory View

Hope you find this useful and modify your app accordingly

thanks you so much this helpful :))

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