Help building a Random Task Generator

I want to build a random task generator using Google Appsheet.

I have a list of random tasks that are in a Google Sheet column.
I want the App to:
- identify the logged in user
- have a button which, when pressed, retrieves a task randomly from the Google Sheet list
- the task is presented to the user below the โ€˜Generate Random Taskโ€™ button 
- have a 'completed' button
- when the 'completed' button is pressed, the user, time, date, and task are added to another spreadsheet
- it should have a running tally of how many tasks have been completed for the week (for example: 3 out of 5 tasks completed). This should reset to 0 at the start of every week.

Iโ€™m fairly proficient with Google Sheets, and have been able to build basic Appsheet forms, but the biggest difficulty is the โ€˜Generate Random Taskโ€™ button that picks a random task from a spreadsheet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks, Christian



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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @Christianha 

"but the biggest difficulty is the โ€˜Generate Random Taskโ€™ button that picks a random task from a spreadsheet."

What about an expression like this ?



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