Help hiding action buttons

Hi community,

I need some advice. I have an interactive dashboard view, showing 3 views of the same table which I'm using on a PC.

One is a Deck view to select the item, the other two are detail views where I've split up the data to be seen more clearly.

One shows inline child records and the third view in the dashboard shows calculations from sums of the inline child records.

I have a few action buttons visible that I would like the user to use, but it displays on both of my detail views. 

I tried hiding the actions in the one view, as the UX isn't great having them showing twice on the same screen, but I've only managed to hide it in its view name alone. As soon as it is incorporated into the dashboard it becomes a different view and it is visible again.

Anyone have a suggestion on how to get around this?

0 3 86

I'm not directly familiar with this challenge, but I've seen many posts referencing the issue of not being able to reliably reference view names within dashboards. You're probably using the CONTEXT function to identify the view. Consider experimenting with that function but referencing the slice each view is based on. Potentially, CONTEXT("Table") returns the slice name?

May we know how you have created those details views? Have you selected different columns to be shown for those details views from the respective detail views' column selection in view settings?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

You'll need to create a slice for use by the two detail views. The slice can be configured to not make the unwanted actions unavailable.

Slice actions - AppSheet Help

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