Hide Action Icon

Hi all,

I have a table of players with columns including Name, Reference etc.

I have created an attendance action when clicked, adds a row to the Attendance table including today's date.

Once the icon has been clicked, I want to ideally hide it for the day.  I have tried to create a condition in the behaviour section but failliing miserably.

When a player is selected and the add attendance action is clicked, I believe I need a condition that checks if Date and Reference match the user and today's date.

Any help appreciated.

Thank you.

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Use something like:

ISBLANK( FILTER( table , date=TODAY() ) )

@Marc_Dillon Thank you.

I think that almost work.  Their is a table of players which in a deck layout.  Each player has the attendance icon next to their name.

If I click on one, I unfortunately lose the icon for each player.

This is the formula I used ISBLANK(FILTER(Attendance,[Date]=TODAY())).

I assume the above is correct and tried to see if I could create a new column that combine the player ID (Reference) with the date in the Attendance table.


And added the following to the behaviour:


It also seemed to work (almost) however again, the quick action icon for all rows  was removed when I clicked it.

Any suggestions on how I only remove the icon for that specific player?  Thanks again.

Use AND() to add a condition to check the player.

@Marc_Dillon Sorry Marc - but i've been playing around with this for a couple days and can't seem to find a solution.  Would you mind expanding on the condition?  I'm not sure how to add the AND().

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@Steve hi - Thank you for the suggestion.  I have been reviewing that page and haven't had much success.

I've tried a few such as:





Nothing in your attempts is correct. It appears to me you don't understand AppSheet expressions at all. I encourage you to continue reviewing the available help docs and experimenting. You have a lot of learning to do.

@Steve Indeed you are correct!  Brand new to all of this!  Thanks for the response.

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