Hide Column based on value in Row

So I'm building a signup app which is fairly simple.

I'm having users signup on food items, but some items need only 2 people, but some items need 4 signups.  How can I hide columns for those items that only need to 2 signups.

The spreadsheet has

Food Item, Signup 1, Signup 2, Signup 3, Signup 4, Signup 5

I Only want to show Signup 1 and Signup 2 for food item 1 but hide Signup 3-5.

Hope this makes sense.

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Yes, you identified the error in my draft expression, and presumably fixed it. You would instead use:

[Maximum Signups] >= 3


View solution in original post


Add a [Maximum Signups] number column and reference that in expressions that Conditionally show or hide a column value (Show_If). For example, in an expression for the [Signup 3] column:

[Maximum Signups] <= 3


this works, but Salad row for example which only needs 2 people to signup would also show Signup 3 column. 

Yes, you identified the error in my draft expression, and presumably fixed it. You would instead use:

[Maximum Signups] >= 3


Yes, i ended up solving it.  Thank you so much for your help!!!

If interested, you could also consider a multi-table data design that doesn't require a dedicated column for each signup: The "item-detail" data pattern - AppSheet Help.

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