Hide the View button in Inline REF_ROW

I have a daily messages app for my staff in which I want them to acknowledge that they have read the message. I do not have a need to go and look at the REF_ROW detailed view.

Is there a way to remove or hide the ‘View’ button and just show the ‘Add’ button ?

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Google Developer Expert
Google Developer Expert

Hi @jeffchoy

As far as I know, it’s not possible.

The option you have is to make the View localization to "" (blank) based on the view you want it to be hidden.
For example, if your view is called A BEAUTIFUL DASHBOARD, this should be inside UX → Localize → View

(Make sure to activate the Expression Assistant instead of Text)

  "View" /*You can put whatever you want here btw, like "View All"*/

This is a workaround, there is no option to hide the button, just to make it look like it’s not there

Nice workaround ! I learnt something today
Strange thing is being able to remove/change name on the “Add” button, which is an action attached to the table, but not the view button…

Yeah, for Add you need to change the Display name of the action so that it’s more like “Add item” for example or make the Only if this condition is true to False to hide it. You can use CONTEXT() to make it false just in the view where you want it to be hidden

This ^

I tried but maybe made mistake, will try again and let you know. Thanks!

*btw isn’t it a problem that in one case it is called “Add” and in another “New”?

You mean this place, right?

No. See his earlier post.

Oh shit, it is here Thanks Steve as always!

This works nicely for some of the system text.
I am trying to customize the text of "Add" and "View" buttons on an inline table view.
You'd think that since "View" is customizable this way, its neighbor "Add" would also be available in the Localize area...but...doesn't appear so.

Hi @SkrOYC
What about the “Add” button in inline view?

I need it when filling the parent table form but after form is filled need to hide/disable it.

Any ideas?
Thanks in advance

Use a COUNT(SELECT([...Some List...) ) > 0 within an IF statement, and then use a CONTEXT("Viewpoint") <> "Form" to turn it off

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

@Asa wrote:

You'd think that since "View" is customizable this way, its neighbor "Add" would also be available in the Localize area...but...doesn't appear so.

To customize the display name for an Add button, you have to configure the corresponding system-generated Add action.



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