Hide view names only on mobile Apps


Is there a way to hide view names only on mobile versions Apps while showing them on Desktop versions ?

On my mobile Apps long view names text (i've no way to shorten them) make the App "unusable".



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Please try in the show_if setting of the respective views;

CONTEXT("Host")= "Browser" for displaying views only in desktop browser mode.

CONTEXT("Host")= "Device" for displaying views only in the mobile device.

CONTEXT() - AppSheet Help


I see now that the overlapping text is also due to multiple views available in the App. No way to scroll it in the bottom bar or add a menu desktop like style to show all the views correctly ?

A good UI design requires that there are not too many view icons available in the mobile view at the footer. So AppSheet has restricted the count to 5 and one could squeeze in say 7 views but that is a bad design. You could try moving some view icons to the menu views or you could create a gallery view for further navigation.

You could also select very short names for the views to squeeze in more views in the footer.

Is it possibile to show (on Mobile Apps) only the icons in the menu (bottom) bar leaving the name on the top ?

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