Hiding Virtual Price Columns in Detail View if Zero

Hello Again everyone. I've successfully identified a bunch ways to show or not show columns in detail view. What I'm struggling with is Virtual Columns that have a price formula. I would really like to hide these columns if they are zero... And one column based on a yes/no column, no matter the value. These columns seem to ignore any show_if formula I use. I've tried very straight forward formulas like [ColumnName]<>0 or NOT([ColumnName]=0). Even "0.00". Aside from the Not Zero aspect, I've hidden columns using  CONTEXT() formulas like NOT(CONTEXT(ViewType)=Detail) which has worked for every other column I've used it on but it hasn't worked for the virtual columns. Any ideas? These virtual columns are price total columns. They add together 2 or more price columns with very basic formulas like [ColumnName]+[ColumnName]. Let me know if I need to add any extra information

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I found the solution to my problem!! I tried everything but I just now came across the  Blank value comparison mode option. There's 2 options, Legacy and Consistent. I had chosen Consistent a very long time ago and I didn't know how that would change the way my expression would need to be written. Here's the page explaining how it changes the result in expression with blanks. https://support.google.com/appsheet/answer/11510515?visit_id=638174459550696120-1193301008&p=configu... 

When I changed my expression of virtual columns catagorized as Price from any kind of zero to "0.01" It worked. So now my show ifs expressions look like these [Column] >= 1 or [Column] >= "0.01". Now they now longer show in detail view if the value is 0 or 0.00. Thanks everyone for your help!

EDIT: It did fix most of the columns but there's still some hiccups with desktop view. I'm largely happy with the result though

View solution in original post


Try greater than > or less than < operater.


Hi! Thank you for your response. I might be missing something but Ive tried a lot of variation of lesser or greater than. [ColumnName]>0, [ColumnName]<>0, NOT([ColumnName]<=0), NOT([ColumnName]=0) I've used them with "0.00" and "$0.00" to just to be sure. I've also tried NOT(CONTAINS([ColumnName])), "$0.00"). The expression assistant always checks green and says exactly what I'm asking it to do but it doesn't take effect in the app view. I've also tried ISNOTBLANK([Column]). All these expression work in every other instance so I feel like there's something I'm missing about how these virtual columns work.


Are you trying to hide when the view is NOT Detail? You cannot for example hide columns in a Table view, if this is what you are aiming at. You can just hide the value but not the column itself. 

Other than that, the reference document for CONTEXT() is using quotes, CONTEXT("VIEWTYPE")="Detail", so I wouldn't ignore using them.  


I found the solution to my problem!! I tried everything but I just now came across the  Blank value comparison mode option. There's 2 options, Legacy and Consistent. I had chosen Consistent a very long time ago and I didn't know how that would change the way my expression would need to be written. Here's the page explaining how it changes the result in expression with blanks. https://support.google.com/appsheet/answer/11510515?visit_id=638174459550696120-1193301008&p=configu... 

When I changed my expression of virtual columns catagorized as Price from any kind of zero to "0.01" It worked. So now my show ifs expressions look like these [Column] >= 1 or [Column] >= "0.01". Now they now longer show in detail view if the value is 0 or 0.00. Thanks everyone for your help!

EDIT: It did fix most of the columns but there's still some hiccups with desktop view. I'm largely happy with the result though

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