How can I access editing on a deployed public app without allowing the public to also have access to editing

I have a deployed app. My first one. The data is set to read-only as I do not wish everyone to be able to edit the data. I wonโ€™t to be able to perform actions and edit the data myself as creator but keep the public setting such that the public cannot edit. How can this be done?

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Make a second app, just for you.

Hey Shirlene_Clark,

This might not be entirely accurate to your specific use case, but hopefully it can point you in a direction to get you started.

I made an app recently and I wanted to be able to limit who could make changes and who would not be able to. I went to the โ€œDataโ€ menu and when looking at a specific table there is an โ€œAre updates allowed?โ€ section. By default โ€œAdd,โ€ โ€œDelete,โ€ and โ€œUpdatesโ€ are selected as true.

I put in an expression with the flask that looked like this,

SWITCH(LOOKUP(USEREMAIL(), โ€œEmployeesโ€, โ€œEmployee Emailโ€, โ€œEmployee Roleโ€),
โ€œAdminโ€, โ€œALL_CHANGESโ€,

This looks at my โ€œEmployeesโ€ table for each row with an email to return the employees role. If the role matches โ€œAdminโ€ they can perform all changes while everyone else is read only.

With this being a public app this solution may not work, but hopefully it can at least give you a direction to start researching what you may be able to do for adding, deleting, or updating privileges for the data.

Have a good one!
Cale with QREW Tech

USEREMAIL() is not available in Public apps.

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