How can I build actions that persist among multiple views?

Appsheets rookie, here.

I have built an app to manage a meeting process. It's main function and workflow is: Form entry leads to a "HEADLINES" tab/view (with actions to move to a "DISCUSSION" tab/view, which has its own available action to move said topic to "TODO."

In order to achieve this, I created actions such as "MOVE TO DISCUSSION" or "MOVE TO TODO." On off-instances, such as where a topic would be moved directly from HEADLINES to TODO without any necessary team discussion, I need to mirror the same action "MOVE TO TODO" from the HEADLINES view. However, when I do that, it instead gets labeled as "MOVE TO TODO(2)." This makes the whole experience seem much less professional, and I cannot seem to find view-agnostic action feedback anywhere, as every result seems to focus more on bulk actions and the like.

Any help, or is this a feature?

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  • UX

An action exists in the context of a table. It can be included in multiple views based on that table, but not in views based on other tables.

ICYMI: You can configure an action's display name. For example, you could use "MOVE TO TODO" as the display name for each of multiple actions named "MOVE TO TODO", "MOVE TO TODO2", "MOVE TO TODO3", etc.

Assuming you're currently using separate tables: Consider whether you need separate tables for HEADLINES, DISCUSSION, etc. Potentially, your app and data would be streamlined by using a single TOPICS table that includes a Status column to track whether the topic is a headline, for discussion, a todo, etc. You could still create separate views for each status by using slices.

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