How can I layout a submit button and show an alert dialog after calling a bot?

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Hi folks, 

I'm a newbie for Appsheet and trying to create my first app.

The app is to search stocks from users' input;

  1. Access the app.
  2. Input product-ids in a input box.
  3. Tap "submit" button.
  4. Bot(Automation) receives product-ids, runs query and returns result.
  5. If product-ids are not found in database, show alert "Not Found".
  6. If product-ids exist in database, show the number of stock.

Whats the issue is at Step3 and Step5. Input View has Save/Cancel buttons, but I want to display "Submit" instead of "Save" and put it at side by input box. Also not to show "Cancel". 


And show alert dialog when (a part of) values are not found in database; like getUi().alert('message') on Google Apps Script.

How can I achieve these?

Thanks in advance!

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To customize default system text, change localization settings.

Consider whether it would make sense to add the product-id database as a table in the app rather than relying on automations.

AppSheet functionality does not include some of the UI customization that you ask about.

View solution in original post


To customize default system text, change localization settings.

Consider whether it would make sense to add the product-id database as a table in the app rather than relying on automations.

AppSheet functionality does not include some of the UI customization that you ask about.

Thank you for your reply. Now I can set "Submit" as your suggestion.

Product information in our database has 5,000,000+ records and is stored in BigQuery, so it is difficult to move(copy) it to App table. I'll try to this in another case.

Many thanks!

@Shu wrote:

5,000,000+ records

That's indeed beyond the Limits when using a BigQuery data source.

Yes, so I get result via Google Apps Script+BigQuery API through "Call a script" in automation step.

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