How can I specify the input value length and format?

I need this field of reference number, where it automatically shows when user tries to input a document data. They can see the number but can't edit it. It needs to be 3 characters with the row number at the back (eg. 002, 035). How can I manage to do that? I am sorry if this sounds so basic since I'm just starting to learn appsheet. Thanks a lot!

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Try RIGHT(1000+NUMBER([ROW_NUM]),3) if the [ROW_NUM] is of type TEXT,

RIGHT(1000+[ROW_NUM], 3) if it is of type NUMBER

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Would a virtual column with appformula CONCATENATE("your three characters", [ROW_NUMBER]) do, assuming you have a [ROW_NUMBER] column?

Oh i'm sorry I meant 3 characters is that it should be 3 characters in length. so that when the row number is, for example 8, it shows '008', or when the row number is 78 it shows '078'

Try RIGHT(1000+NUMBER([ROW_NUM]),3) if the [ROW_NUM] is of type TEXT,

RIGHT(1000+[ROW_NUM], 3) if it is of type NUMBER

Oh i just had to put -1 to not count the heading row but it works very well!! Thank you so much!

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