How can i see the functionality i have used outside my free plan?

In deploy I have this error:
User signin not allowed with the FREE plan

with more info:
You are using app features that require a higher subscription plan.

I'm trying to make my first app for personal use

I have already checked that the database I use, a google sheet, is less than 5MB


0 4 98

Manage -> Author -> Plan Requirement -> Analyze App Features.


Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Is it an error (red), or just a warning (yellow)? If a warning, you may still use the deployed app, but know that if too many users use the app, you will have to pay for licenses. If it's just you on up to five (I think) devices, you'll be fine.

currently it is an error in red



Please contact AppSheet Support for help with this.

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