How can users view PDFs in app itself?

My app has a file-type column where we upload documents (primarily PDFs) to records.

In Chrome, when I click on the file field in Detail view, it opens the document in a new tab. In Android, clicking on that field downloads it.

I've set up the file column type field, read this thread and looked at the sample Marketing tempate. Clicking on files in that template also opens them in a new tab, rather than in app.

What is the necessary step to have PDFs and other files open within the app itself, and not in a new tab?

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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

You can't view PDFs in the app.

Clicking the file in a File type column will always open that file externally on your device. The differences that you see between browser and android are just the devices' different ways of handling that file type. Your browser itself must be able to view PDFs directly, but on your android it has to open it in another PDF viewer app.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Not possible.

Thanks to you both - I will mark this off the list.

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