How do I get the main tables view to update when a change occurs on the child element?

Hi all,

I have spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to get my main table to update when its sub table or other tables changes/ updates information that relates to it.  In my case, I have a main table that has child elements that are quantities of items.  I would like to be able to have a field that I use on the main table's View to show the percentage fulfilled.  So far, I have only been able to get it to work if I open the main table's form and save it.  I have tried using an action on child element that will trigger an action on the main table in attempt to get it to refresh.  I have tried using a virtual column, but that doesn't seem to work, and actually when I get it to work once I edit the main table, it reverts back to 0.  Currently I have a non-virtual column, but cannot seem to get it update on the main view.  Any idea how to get the main view to be able to refresh with the correct percentage?

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Figured it out.  I created 2 decimal columns on the Task Table that hold the sum of the Qty Purchased and Quantity Required.  I also made a 3rd column that holds the percentage.  When Task Items are updated, it triggers a bot that calls an action on the Task table that fills in the 3 columns with the formulas.  For some reason, if I try to calculate the percentage from the table and not the action, it does not work.  Anyways, this solves the problem for me.

View solution in original post


Haben Sie sich schon รผber die Methode Referenzierung ([Related Whatever]-Spalte) informiert. Schnellaktualisierungssystem

Yes, I am currently using that, but for some reason it is not updating the calculation for the percentage.  See my post to Joseph_Seddik for more info

To help you better, would you please show the columns of both of your tables and the quantities you want to get updated? Thanks

Ok, here are the relevant columns.

Task Table:
[Task ID], [Task Name], [Category], [Percent Complete], [Child Update Counter]

Task Item Table:
[Task Item ID], [Task ID], [Item], [Qty Required], [Qty Purchased], [Qty Pending]

Items Purchased:
[Item ID], [Item Purchased], [Qty]

So, I have a variety of tasks and each requires a certain number of items.  When I purchase an item, it gets recorded on the Items Purchased table, and then a bot updates [Qty Purchased] on the Task Items table .  When a record on the Task Items table gets updated, I have a bot change [Child Update Counter] by adding one.  On the Tasks table, I have a percentage column where I use a couple of selects to calculate the percentage of items purchased (Qty Purchased / Qty Required).

Everything works up until the the percentage.  Despite updating the the counter, percentage does not recalculate unless I edit the Task table.

Is your percentage calculation expression in the App Formula field of the percentage column? or may be it is rather in the Initial Value?

It is on the Formula field

Figured it out.  I created 2 decimal columns on the Task Table that hold the sum of the Qty Purchased and Quantity Required.  I also made a 3rd column that holds the percentage.  When Task Items are updated, it triggers a bot that calls an action on the Task table that fills in the 3 columns with the formulas.  For some reason, if I try to calculate the percentage from the table and not the action, it does not work.  Anyways, this solves the problem for me.

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