How do I select which column to reference with the ref type?

I keep trying to reference a specific column in another table and it automatically pics a column for me, (which I don't want). How do I manually  choose which column? (I'm new to appsheet)

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@Danielsntgd wrote:

it automatically pics a column for me


The column in my table which gets referenced is always my Item name. I want it to reference my item barcode instead.

Are you talking about labels?

Add row labels - AppSheet Help

I had no Idea what the label meant. I thought ref was referencing one column since my label was set to the column I originally wanted to reference.

Ref columns hold the whole row of another table by saving the key value of that row, so you can then dereference any of their columns via dereference expressions like this: [Ref].[Value]

References between tables - AppSheet Help
Dereference expressions - AppSheet Help

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