How to Make (Virtual) Table Containing Only Virtual Column ?

Hi, I'm going to make an empty child table  which reference to master table and only containing virtual columns. The child table just work as a part of master table, so I have not to input anything in the child table. Example:

Master Table


Child Table

RowID (Ref to Master Table)Calc (Virtual)
Same With Master Table[RowID].[Price] * [RowID].[Amount]

Kind regards

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I don't understand your goal or your design. Regardless, you could create a single-column table in a data source (e.g., an ID column populated with a UNIQUEID() initial value) and then add whatever virtual columns you want.

I'm tryng to reduce amount of columns on the Master table. Can I do that?

@FeeLCoMz wrote:

Can I do that?

Do what? "create a single-column table in a data source... and then add whatever virtual columns you want"? Yes.

If you explain the problem you're trying to solve or why you're "tryng to reduce amount of columns on the Master table", likely a community expert can advise.

I'm sorry. I think i cannot explain it better. I just want to create 2 tables.

First table is Parent table, and the second one is Child table.

On the child table, i want to insert many virtual columns that automatically calculate many values from parent table when I insert a row on parent table. 

When you add a new row to the parent table, you must also add a corresponding row to the child table. The row of the child table need only have a single physical (non-virtual) column that act as the row key column. Best that the column value be the key column value of the parent column to make it easy to tie the parent and chil together.

I understand your problem. The unswer is yes but no. I mean, yes, you can have a 1 column table with all the virtual columns you want and link it to a mother table with ref virtual column no problem. And no, because it will use more resources due to a new relation and a new table with one column. What you want to do will fit perfectly in other languages but not in AppSheet, thereยดs no such thing like virtual tables like DAX, Phyton, etc. Finally, my recomendation is to put inside the mother table all the virtual columns you need. I've done it and it works just fine. Hope it helps. Nice day!!!

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