How to achieve this page style detail view?

Hey Everyone!


Would anyone be able to explain to me how this person was able to achieve this page style detail view? I've been trying to get this going but I only seem to be able to achieve this with forms:

Screen Shot 2022-10-29 at 2.07.17 PM.png

Is it a matter of having each row lead to a dashboard view? I though that this wasn't possible for an item detail, and had some trouble trying it out. This screenshot comes from this post:

Thanks so much!

0 4 148

The link you included describes how this is a preview of new desktop view features. What exactly are you not understanding?

Yes I understand, I was for more info on the segmentation of the details view,  I posted more info in response to Steve's comment below:

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

Literally read the thread you got the image from.

I realize that I could have been more clear:

My understanding is that this is a "Table" view type:

Screenshot 2022-10-30 at 12.48.02 PM.png

And this is a detail view type:

Screenshot 2022-10-30 at 12.48.31 PM.png

But most Detail view types are not automatically segmented into sections:

Screenshot 2022-10-30 at 12.48.53 PM.png

I have been able to achieve something like that in form views, using "Show" columns and headers, but I don't think I was able to achieve the same thing with the detail views. I believe I was able to created headers but not segments. 

I assume that there is some obvious way to accomplish this style, and I was wondering if anyone had any more info on this.

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