How to add new value to Enum column with "ref" base type?


I'm having two tables (A and B). In table A, i have a column name "Name" - type is also Name. Now in table B, i choose a column called "Player name" with Enum type, base is "Ref" and reference to column "Name" in table A. It works completely find, but I can't not add new data to the "Player name" column (use for emergency). I have chose to "Allow other values", but it still not able to add.

Can anyone guide me this problem? or give me hint.

Thank you.

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Does your A table allow adds? or is it set as read only? Can you add records to table A from a table view for example of table A? (not from table B)

Hi, Yes it is allow adds. for the last question, I am not understanding your idea

It will help if you could post screenshots showing how your Enum field is not allowing you to add. Thanks.

@Joseph_Seddik wrote:

l help if you could post screenshots showing how your Enum field is not allowing you to add. Than

So yeah, this is how i use enum, this column "Tรชn sp" will be taken the value from another column in the database called "Name"



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