How to automatically upload multiple pictures from Google Drive?

Hi all, I'm new to AppSheet and I need your help!

I have an app with tables from Google Spreadsheet, one of them with a image collumn. I already have +5,000 rows with data (like name, address, phone number, email, profile photo, etc) from another database that I want to reuse. Copy and paste worked fine for all the collumns, except the image column for profile photo. I have all the images uploaded in a folder in the same Google Drive, and I need to find a way to create a link for each photo in the image column to make the profile photos appear automatically in each record, otherwise I'll need to upload +5,000 photos in the app one by one. Is there a way to do this or I'm stuck with the one by one image upload?

Thanks in advance!


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Thanks for your reply @TeeSee1 

I'm trying the URL Value for Google Drive in the article you mentioned, but I can't find the "get shareable link" option.

In the upper right hand of your Google Drive page.


You should also get the menu by right clicking your file.


The option "Get link" is avaible, but not the "get shareable link". When I click "Get link" the link I get is different from the model shown in the article. Here's the link I get:{a combination of  numbers and letters}/view?usp=sharing

The file id would be that combination of numbers and letters?

this part is the file ID => {a combination of  numbers and letters}

Thank you!

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