How to avoid showing Action button in the embedded email?

Good Morning all

Thanks in advance for your help,

is there a way i can avoid showing the action button in the embedded email view?



0 5 259

That looks like "No Charge" is an ENUM or ENUMLIST column, in a detail view, set as a quick edit column, but with no ability to be changed


hi thanks for the reply, 'No Charge' is an action, clip below and not quick edit column




I assume you want to hide the button from the email yet show it elsewhere in the app. Normally you'd do this with CONTEXT() however from my understanding, it's not possible to conditionally show/hide actions from embedded dynamic emails.

Perhaps try and add the email to a slice and ensure the action isn't an added action within the slice? I haven't tested this myself.

Thanks for the reply, i will try this out!

@sathishk How'd it go?

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