How to change DateFormat when using Text([Date],"ddd, dd.mmm.yyyy")

Hi All,

I have a problem after creating a pdf file with Date. In the template, i using TEXT([Date],"ddd, dd.mmm.yyyy") and i want the result will be in English format like: Mon, 04.Jul.2022. But it display in my language: T2, 04.Thg4.2022. I try change the setting on appsheet, GGS, Drive and GGDocs but it 's impossible. Can anyone help me?

0 4 588

So this might help.  Something I've just done on a email template file:


"...has been changed to ",

[Booked Time],

" on ",

INDEX(LIST("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"),WEEKDAY([Booked Date])),

" ",

TEXT([Booked Date],"dd/mm/yyyy")


Considered using something like this to make the text string exactly what you need

Thanks for your answer. But it's quite complex for formulas in template . I found out the solution for this problem. I have to change language setting in my browser to display expected date formatting.

Solve my problem but creates a new one... It take out of cronology the related data. 

My template:

Andamentos deste atendimento:

<<Start: [Related Andamento Atendimentos]>>




Solved by using ORDERBY([Related Andamento Atendimentos], [Data], FALSE)

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