How to combine lists into one?

I’ve got 3 enumlists in different tables that I need to combine together in an enum on another table for it’s options.

So table’s A, B, and C have lists of email addresses that people can choose from.
In table D - all those emails need to be available as options in an enum.

I’ve got the following formula, but it’s not parsing things as I need:

split([notification_patient_facility].[notification_emails] + HCAs[HCA_Notification_Email_Options] + Hospitals[Hospital_Notification_Email_Options], “,”) - list("")

this gives me the following:

The first element of the list ([notification_patient_facility].[notification_emails]) is split into options, but the imported table options (HCAs[HCA_Notification_Email_Options] + Hospitals[Hospital_Notification_Email_Options]) are imported as a “list-option.”

I tried not including the SPLIT(), but then it was just a list of lists. I’ve also tried different split denominators: " , " (space, comma, space) and ", " (comma, space) - but all result in the same thing with the two table imports being list-options.

I also tried wrapping the whole thing in ANOTHER split, but it resulted in the same thing again (curiously).

@Aleksi help!!! (^_^)

Solved Solved
5 20 4,274

So to finalize everything and provide an answer to anyone looking at this string:

If you’re trying to use a “list of lists” as options for a dropdown - wrap it in a CONCATENATE() and SPLIT() by the comma, this gives you a list of your options in the correct format.

From there you can use that list in any normal way: as part of a formula or combine your lists into one; it’s all about transforming the data into the appropriate type.

TableA[Enumlist_A] + TableB[Enumlist_B]

would need to be:
SPLIT(CONCATENATE(TableA[Enumlist_A]), “,”) + SPLIT(CONCATENATE(TableB[Enumlist_B]), “,”)

View solution in original post


I’ve been looking at the data types:

the first is a legit enumlist
the second and third and lists of enumlists.

That’s why the first one parses out correctly, but the others are pulling in each row as an option.

I tried splitting the second options in part of the list combination:
[notification_patient_facility].[notification_emails] + SPLIT(HCAs[HCA_Notification_Email_Options], " , ") + SPLIT(Hospitals[Hospital_Notification_Email_Options], " , ")

But it’s resulting in the same thing.

ALSO: Just tried wrapping the whole thing again:
SPLIT([notification_patient_facility].[notification_emails] + SPLIT(HCAs[HCA_Notification_Email_Options], " , ") + SPLIT(Hospitals[Hospital_Notification_Email_Options], " , "), “,”)

but it’s always resulting in the same thing.

What does CONCATENATE([notification_patient_facility].[notification_emails] + HCAs[HCA_Notification_Email_Options] + Hospitals[Hospital_Notification_Email_Options]) look like?

Resulted in an error. can’t have a concatenate in the valid if (or the suggested values).

I moved the formula from the valid if to the suggested values, so others could be added, and you see the list of list much better:

How about a new VC with that value? I’m interested to see if there’s something in the merged list and lists of lists that would interfere with SPLIT().

Unfortunately this is a live app, with active users and a TON of data, so something like that is out of the question.

I was thinking it might be something about the delimiter I use in the SPLIT, that’s why I was trying different things. To date I’ve tried:

", "
" , "

But each results in the same thing, seems the system ignores the spaces and just uses the comma.

Wouldn’t surprise me if the list-of-lists is introducing a problem. Is that a construct you’ve used successfully in the past?

It’s always been a problem. I’ve never been able to successfully solve it, usually I find another way to bring about the behavior I’m looking to create.

You could create but not save (or delete before save) the VC just to get into Expression Assistant.

The problem here is that you can’t tell how things are split in the previous page; the rendering element that makes what we see in the testing page doesn’t split things differently - each item is separated individually.

But when you open the app with the things saved, that’s when you see the items of the lists for what they really are:

If you compare the two pictures, you can see where things are split in the testing page - but there’s no way to actually tell by that unless you can see it elsewhere.

A Valid_If expression of the form:

+ SPLIT(HCAs[HCA_Notification_Email_Options], ",")
+ SPLIT(Hospitals[Hospital_Notification_Email_Options], ",")

seems to works for me. 😕

*There’s nothing in the “[notification_patient_facility].[notification_emails]” for that picture, just shows the result of the splits.

@Aleksi filtering duplicates yes, also filtering blanks.

So each item in the HCAs[HCA_Notification_Email_Options] List is not itself a List, but merely Text containing a comma-separated list of email addresses?

What is each item in [notification_patient_facility].[notification_emails]?

The column itself is an actual enumlist, meaning a single column from the facility table containing a list of emails.

[HCA_Notification_Email_Options], the column in the HCAs table, is itself an enumlist (containing a list of emails).

So “HCAs[HCA_Notification_Email_Options]” is a list of those lists.

+ SPLIT(CONCATENATE(HCAs[HCA_Notification_Email_Options]), ",")
+ SPLIT(CONCATENATE(Hospitals[Hospital_Notification_Email_Options]), ",")

hmm… that might work.

and indeed it did!

you the man! @Steve


So to finalize everything and provide an answer to anyone looking at this string:

If you’re trying to use a “list of lists” as options for a dropdown - wrap it in a CONCATENATE() and SPLIT() by the comma, this gives you a list of your options in the correct format.

From there you can use that list in any normal way: as part of a formula or combine your lists into one; it’s all about transforming the data into the appropriate type.

TableA[Enumlist_A] + TableB[Enumlist_B]

would need to be:
SPLIT(CONCATENATE(TableA[Enumlist_A]), “,”) + SPLIT(CONCATENATE(TableB[Enumlist_B]), “,”)

@MultiTech_Visions Do you need to filter duplicates away or is there any?

Thank you for this thread , your great idea will save me days of work.

I am trying to create an enum selection from a text cell containing words divided by "," . 

It shows fine in app the enumlist, for selections , but after I select my options , the column is still blank when I hit Done. 

Any tips? 

This is my formula to create the enumlist

split(concatenate(SELECT(x tech options[neconformitate], [_THISROW].[serie doc] = [serie doc]));",")

This is my testing table from wich I gather the options


They show up fine :


and blank when I hit done(gata)


Thank you

Solved by making the formula :

 in([_this];split(concatenate(SELECT(x tech options[neconformitate], [_THISROW].[serie doc] = [serie doc]));",")) . 

Don't yet understand it , but i read the troubleshoot from

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