How to count the number of rows returned by LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW ?

My app has a single COMMON_VIEW and an action which, based on a SWITCH condition, triggers the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW function for a specified column.  All working beautifully. eg

SWITCH([Navigation View],
"Overdue Training",(([Any]>0)>0),
"Getting Started",(OR([Essential] >0,[Safety]>0,[Safeguarding]>0),
"Wood Badge",([Wood Badge Overdue] >0),

I want to count the number of rows returned in the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW response - so I can tailor the Description ie "Overdue classes (n)"  when 'n' is the count of rows.

How do I get the number of filtered rows?

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Please try below, 

Please add a text VC called say [Overdue_Classes] with an app formula "Overdue classes" and show_If property of CONTEXT("View") ="Common_View"

In the group by property of the "Common_View" view,  add the column [Overdue_Classes] and add count [Overdue_Classes] as the count  or sum property option.

Not tested. Replying from mobile.


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