How to force Logout all users

Is there a was to force logout all users using the app so they have to login in again to use the app?

Please let me know. Thank you!!

1 13 2,720

No exactly. You could remove them under the user section, but they will be allowed to continue to use the app until they logout.

The only way I can think of doing this is to work on the principle that the App does a sync of just the data every 30mins. Maybe consider deleting all the user then copying all relevant data to different tabs. Then when this sync occurs they canโ€™t use the app beacuse there is no data. So they will sync ist manually. Then because youโ€™ve removed them they canโ€™t get back in.

Thanks for the reply! Is there a short cut to do this?

No its not really a feature in Appsheet. What Iโ€™ve decsribed is a bit of a bodge but I canโ€™t think of any other way to do it

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

There is no way to force logout of any user of an AppSheet-based app. AppSheet does not handle user logins, but instead relies on the third-parties youโ€™ve configured your app to trust (e.g., Google). Logout would have to occur with the authentication provider.

As you mentioned Logout would have occur with the authentication provider. But how to do that?

Please let me know. Thank you!!

Youโ€™ll need to ask the authentication providers.

My authentication provider is Google. Would you know about it?



I use Microsoft 365 in my organisation, I had an employee quit and their phone still had appsheet logged in. They left quite in a rage so I was worried that they might sabotage our data. I changed their password in Microsoft Admin and enforced a sign-out of all active sessions so users who are already logged in would have to log in again. However, I was still able to use appsheet on my mobile phone with the account that they were using despite doing a force reset of password and sign out of all sessions. Is there anything else I can try?


That's highly insecure because if someone from your organization walks out and they were not happy with the organization they can easily sabotage the data. The only solution I can think of is to remove access to the app for that email ID completely.

At least in Cognito, if the user account is disabled in the auth service you can configure AppSheet to detect that at the next sync and prevent further app access, even though it doesn't detect something like a forced password change flag on the account. Try the M365 equivalent of disabling the account rather than just changing the password.

I think this is a necessary feature that Appsheet should update asap @Peter_B 

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