How to get separate time sheet for every machine

In my equipment maintenance, I have run time of every machine by calculating the difference of clock in and clock out. And my question is how to get separate timesheet for every machine, as soon as I select any machine code in the list it need to show the overall run time of a machine in a day for a week

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I would prefer to use related table structure where you have two tables.. like "Machines" and "Timesheet". Then add a Ref column in your Timesheet table. That will generate you a virtual list column in tiyr "Machine" table something like [Related Timesheets].

Then you can calculate  what ever you like from that column.. something like SUM([Related Timesheets][Duration]) or like SUM(SELECT([Related Timesheets][Duration],EOWEEK(TODAY())=EOWEEK([Date])))

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