How to grant access to a generated file

I have an automation step that generates a PDF report. However, it is owned by me and the user cannot access the PDF without asking me for permission.

How can I have the created PDF automatically give read permission to the user?



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Have the file get created in a GDrive folder that is already shared to the user.

But then I would have to do twice as much work when a new user is added:

  1. Add to AppSheet
  2. Add to folder

Is there no other way? Is it possible in automation?

Not within Appsheet, to my knowledge.

Perhaps a custom Google Apps Script.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

How would you imagine this working? That might suggest a solution.

Maybe a step in the file creation process where you could add a expression that evaluates to an email address that is granted read or read/write permission.

By the way, I was able to solve this in Apps Script, but had to use a Sheet trigger. Would be better to be able to call Apps Script directly from AppSheet.

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