How to have title text on Calendar view?


What I created calendar is look like this:



However I found this is having title text on each event, how can I set this please:

below have "Crane1", "Crane5", "Crane6" in red event, "Product Bins" in orange event.


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  1. Your first app seems like it doesn't have a description because of the available space
  2. Use a blank column inside the "Description" config if you want to force it


View solution in original post


Ok but, have you tried? Play with the calendar view

Hello SkrOYC,

Of course, the first post image (The dark background one) is my app. I look around and not found where is option to make title can be display on the event. 

  1. Your first app seems like it doesn't have a description because of the available space
  2. Use a blank column inside the "Description" config if you want to force it


Okay, Description is title text on Event block. Not aware of it.

One more thing, Can we change the text color to black? White color is not good enough for reading. ๐Ÿ™‚

We can't change that kind of things with ease.
Try using a Format Rule or changing your app's theme

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