How to i prevent users from tampering (edit/delete) other users booking

"Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on developing an internal system for a company that allows users to book items and manage transfers between warehouses. One challenge I'm facing is ensuring that each user can only modify their own bookings, while preventing them from tampering with bookings made by other users.

I've come across the concept of user roles, which seems to offer a way to control user access and permissions within the app. However, I wanted to reach out to the community to gather insights and suggestions. Is it possible to achieve this specific functionality using user roles, or are there alternative approaches you would recommend?

I greatly appreciate any advice, experiences, or best practices you can share in this regard.

Thank you in advance!

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Yes you can still do that. Use [CreatedBy]=USEREMAIL() with the Edit action's condition.

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If you have an Email column to identify the user who has filled the record, you could disable the edit and delete actions for other users.

Hi @AleksiAlkio,
Thank you for your response. Yes, I was thinking about using this method. However, after reading my post again, I realized that I should have mentioned that I still want users to be able to edit and add, but only to bookings that they had createdโ€”not to alter other users' bookings. 

Yes you can still do that. Use [CreatedBy]=USEREMAIL() with the Edit action's condition.

Thank you @AleksiAlkio for the suggestion, its working exactly how I intend it to work. 

You're welcome!

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